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Chinese Evergreen 'Silver Bay' (Aglaonema)
Aglaonema 'Silver Bay'   Lighting: Low to bright indirect light.   Watering: Water every 14 to 21 days. Watering schedule may vary upon size of the pot.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for Aglaonema.
Alocasia 'Portora', Elephant Ear
Alocasia 'Portora'Alocasia ordora x Alocasia portei   LIGHTING: Bright indirect.   Watering: Water every 10 to 14 days. Watering schedule may vary upon size of the pot.   FEEDING: Use Boomerang every other watering for optimal health.   SOIL: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog blend for this species.
Amaryllis Plant (Barbosa Lily)
An Amaryllis Plant is native to the tropical regions of South America, and is a wonderful flowering houseplant to give as a gift for Christmas or Valentine’s Day. With the proper after- bloom care, an Amaryllis Plant will flower year after year between the months of December and June. Amaryllis Plant Bulbs can be purchased pre-planted, or you can buy the Amaryllis Plant Bulbs and do the planting yourself. The larger and fatter the Amaryllis Plant Bulbs, the more flowers an Amaryllis Plant produces. The brightly colored flowers of an Amaryllis Plant come in red, orange, white, pink, and salmon. Some new varieties of Amaryllis Plants may even have striped flowers. Both an Amaryllis Plant and an Amaryllis bulb are very poisonous, so please keep them away from children and pets. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS: Amaryllis Plants need bright indirect light while growing. While a southern exposure is best for an Amaryllis Plant, western or eastern exposures are adequate. An Amaryllis Plant that only gets a northern exposure requires additional artificial light. CARE INSTRUCTIONS WATER: Keep the soil of an Amaryllis Plant slightly moist but never soggy while the plant is growing. Increase the water you give to an Amaryllis Plant slightly once it blooms. The increase in water prolongs the life of the Amaryllis flowers. FERTILIZER: Fertilize an Amaryllis Plant monthly with a plant food high in potassium and phosphorus and low in nitrogen (5-10-10 or 6-12-12). Always dilute the plant food used on an Amaryllis Plant to 1/2 the recommended strength. TEMPERATURE: An Amaryllis Plant is a tropical plant and enjoys temperatures between 68-75 degrees. Once an Amaryllis Plant blooms, move it to a cooler area (65 degrees) so the Amaryllis flowers last longer. HUMIDITY: Basic household humidity or even less keeps an Amaryllis Plant healthy and free of fungal disease. FLOWERING: Plant Amaryllis Plant Bulbs any time from late fall to mid-spring using a good commercial soil. The bigger and fatter the Amaryllis Plant Bulbs are, the larger the flowers will be. Be sure to soak the base & roots of the Amaryllis Plant Bulbs in water for a few hours before planting them. PESTS: Thrip and spider mite infestations on Amaryllis Plants can be treated with the green solution (see Glossary) or you can use a commercial systemic insecticide approved for flowering plants. DISEASES: Amaryllis Plants develop blotchy leaves from various fungal and bacterial diseases. There is no good remedy for these plant infections, so isolate your Amaryllis Plant to prevent the diseases from spreading to your other plants. Plant diseases occur when houseplants are too kept close to each other or the leaves of the plants stay wet. To prevent plant diseases provide good air circulation and keep the plant leaves dry. SOIL: Plant Amaryllis Plant Bulbs in a good commercial bulb soil. If this type of soil is not available, plant your Amaryllis Plant Bulbs in a regular quick-draining, well-aerated, houseplant potting mixture. When using a basic potting soil for your Amaryllis Plant Bulbs, add some sand and humus to prevent the soil from becoming too heavy when wet.
Ming Aralia (Polyscias fruticosa)
Polyscias fruticosa Ming Aralia   Lighting: Medium to bright indirect light.   Watering: Water every 10 to 14 days. Watering schedule may vary upon size of the pot.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for any Aralia.
Areca Palm (Dypsis Lutescens)
Areca Palm   Lighting: Bright indirect light.   Watering: Water every 10 to 14 days. Watering schedule may vary upon size of the pot.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for our Areca Palms.
Arrowhead Plant 'White Butterfly' (Syngonium)
Syngonium   Lighting: Medium to bright indirect light.             Watering: Water every 10 to 14 days.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for Syngonium.
Baby Tears Plant
A Baby's Tears Plant is a delicate looking house plant that resembles a mat or carpet of tiny green leaves as it spreads over the sides of its pot. Baby’s Tears plants, which originally came from Corsica and Sardinia, have tiny round or bean- shaped leaves that grow on thin fragile stems. Baby's Tears houseplants can be used as table plants or as a small hanging plant. This very little plant requires a lot of attention. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS: Baby’s Tears houseplants like bright indirect light but no direct sun. CARE INSTRUCTIONS WATER: Always keep the soil of a Baby Tear's Plant moist but never soggy. If the soil of a Baby's Tears House Plant stays too wet, the stems quickly rot. FERTILIZER: Feed every two weeks in the spring and summer when a Baby's Tears Plant is actively growing. Use a basic houseplant fertilizer at 1/2 the recommended strength when feeding a Baby Tear's Plant. TEMPERATURE: Normal household temperatures or even a little cooler are best for a Baby Tear's Houseplant. 60-75 degrees is an ideal temperature for a Baby's Tears Plant. HUMIDITY: High humidity and good air circulation encourages a Baby's Tears Plant to grow well and not turn brown. FLOWERING: A Baby's Tears Plant gets tiny white star-shaped flowers in the late spring. The flowers on a Baby's Tears houseplant are fairly inconsequential. PESTS: Baby's Tears Plants are susceptible to whitefly, scale, and Aphids. You can read about these plant pests in the Glossary of the website. DISEASES: Root -rot due to over-watering is the main disease to that affects Baby's Tears Plants. SOIL: Baby's Tears Plants require a well-aerated quick draining potting soil that contains a good amount of peat moss.
Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)
Chamaedorea seifrizii   Lighting: Low to bright indirect light.   Watering: Water every 10 to 14 days.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for Bamboo Palms.
White Bird of Paradise Plant (Strelitzia Nicolai)
Strelitzia nicolai Giant White Bird of Paradise   Lighting: Bright indirect light.             Watering: Water every 14 to 21 days. Watering schedule may very upon the size of the pot.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for Giant White Bird of Paradise.
Pinstripe Calathea (Calathea ornata)
Calathea ornata    Lighting: Medium to bright indirect light.   Watering: Water every 10 to 14 days.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for Calathea.
Calla Lily Plant (Zantedeschia aethiopica)
The Calla Lily is a beautiful plant, whether grown outdoors or indoors in a decorative pot by a sunny window. This elegant plant, native to the marshes of South Africa, is not really a lily at all but a member of the Araceae family. The extraordinary funnel or trumpet shaped waxy flowers of a Calla Lily, grow on tall thick stems and have a yellow spadix emerging from their center. The long tapered green leaves of the plant may be streaked with faint white or yellow spots. Today, thanks to the many new hybrids developed by breeders throughout the world, Calla Lilies can be found not only in white, but also pink, orange, fuchsia, red, yellow, and cream. The long lasting flowers are popular in wedding bouquets where they are a symbol of purity and beauty. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS: Calla Lilies require at six hours a day of very bright indirect light. Direct sun during the middle of the day may burn the leaves and flowers. CARE INSTRUCTIONS WATER: These plants like moist soil at all times. Calla Lilies are not drought resistant and should never be allowed to totally dry out; but will not do well if the soil is too soggy or they are allowed to sit in water. FERTILIZER: Fertilize an indoor Calla Lily every two weeks when the plant is flowering with a liquid plant food low in Nitrogen. When the plant is producing only leaves and no flowers, fertilize monthly. Always dilute the plant food to ½ the recommended strength. If your Calla Lily is planted outside, use a granular plant food instead of a liquid fertilizer. TEMPERATURE: Room temperatures should be between 50-75°F, 10-24°C for optimal growth. Keep Calla Lilies away from heating and air conditioning vents. If planted outdoors, be sure to dig up the Calla Lily bulbs and bring them inside before temperatures dip below freezing. HUMIDITY: Calla Lilies do well in average humidity. FLOWERING: The flowers of a Calla Lily are really spaths similar to those of a Peace Lily but much more impressive. The plant usually blooms for about six weeks during the late spring and early summer. Keeping the plant potbound encourages more blooms. Calla Lilies may be forced into bloom at any time indoors; it all depends on when the bulbs become available and when they are planted. The long lasting cut flowers are perfect in bouquets and flower arrangements. PESTS: Examine a Calla Lily frequently for signs of scale or Aphids. DISEASES: Calla Lilies are susceptible to various viruses and bacterial infections, especially rhizome rot and gray mold. These problems become evident when leaves and stems start to turn yellow before the plant is normally entering its dormant phase. SOIL: Use a good peat moss based potting soil that is well aerated and drains quickly. You can add builder’s sand or perlite if the soil seems too heavy and clay-like.
Caladium (Caladium x hortulanum)
Caladiums, or Elephant Ear Plants, are grown for their large heart-shaped colorful leaves that are often more spectacular than many flowers. The most popular varieties grown are the “fancy-leaved” and “lance-leaved”. The leaves of a Caladium, some as long as 24 inches, have marbled or veined patterns of red, pink, white, and green. A Caladium is a tuberous rooted perennial that originally came from South America. It dies back and becomes dormant from late fall to early spring. The beautiful ornamental foliage makes the extra care required to grow and then re-grow a Caladium each year well worth it. This plant is poisonous so please keep it away from children and pets. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS: A Caladium requires very bright indirect light. CARE INSTRUCTIONS WATER: The soil of a Caladium should be moist but never soggy when the plant is actively growing. As the leaves of the Caladium start to die back in the early fall and the plant goes into its resting period, gradually reduce the watering until the soil has thoroughly dried out. FERTILIZER: Fertilize a Caladium every two weeks when it is actively growing with a water-soluble plant food high in nitrogen at 1/2 the recommended strength. TEMPERATURE: A Caladium does well in temperatures between 70-85 degrees with as little fluctuation in temperature as possible. During the five months when a Caladium is dormant, the temperature should be cooler but never below 55 degrees. HUMIDITY: A Caladium needs a great deal of humidity. You can increase the humidity around the plant in various ways: keep the Caladium on a bed of wet gravel or pebbles at all time; place a small humidifier near it; or group several plants near each other to create a mini greenhouse effect. PESTS: The colorful leaves of Caladium attract mealy bug, spider mite, and Aphid infestations. Gently wash any pests off the leaves with warm soapy water. DISEASES: Caladium are prone to fungal diseases such as Fusarium and Pythium which usually result in root rot. A bacterial disease called Xanthamonas which causes leaf spot may also may infect Caladiums. Provide good air circulation and keep the leaves dry to prevent these problems. SOIL: A Caladium grows best in a slightly acidic fast-draining soil. Once a month water a Caladium with left-over tea or a very dilute vinegar water solution.
Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior)
A Cast Iron Plant, native to China, is an almost indestructible, easy-care plant that survives where other houseplants quickly die. Water it or forget to water it, good light or poor light, warm room or cold room, the Cast Iron Plant survives. A Cast Iron Plant is a rather plain plant with 2ft. long, pointed, course textured, leathery leaves that emerge directly from the soil. The variegated varieties of a Cast Iron Plant have a cream-colored stripe down each of the leaves that reverts to solid green in very low light. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS: Bright light to full sun CARE INSTRUCTIONS WATER: Water thoroughly then allow top 2 in (5 cm) to dry out before watering again. Put it in a pot with drainage holes to prevent soggy soil. Cardboard palm grows the most spring through fall, so cut back on water in the winter months. HUMIDITY: Average to low humidity TEMPERATURE: Average room temperature 60-75°F/16-24°C year-round. It's cold-hardy down to 25°F/-1°C, but prefers to be warm. SOIL: Equal parts good-quality potting mix and sand for good drainage. FERTILIZER: Feed once in spring and again in summer with a time-release fertilizer. PROPAGATION: Buy good-quality seeds. Any seeds collected from a mature plant are not fertile unless they are cross-pollinated. Seeds are slow to germinate and seedlings are slow-growing. Be patient, it'll take years for them to grow tall. These seeds are poisonous and can be lethal to pets.
Cat Palm (Chamaedorea cataractarum)
Chamaedorea cataractarum   Lighting: Bright indirect light.   Watering: Water every 10 to 14 days.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for the Cat Palm.
Cardboard Palm (Zamia furfuracea)
Zamia furfuracea   Lighting: Medium to bright indirect, filtered light.             Watering: Water every 14 to 21 days. Watering schedule may vary upon size of the pot.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for Cardboard Palms.
China Doll Plant (Radermachera sinica)
A China Doll Plant is a very fast growing plant with lacy-looking, glossy, green foliage that is native to the subtropical mountain regions of southern China and Taiwan. China Doll Plants appear very compact and sturdy when you first buy them because of the growth regulators given to them by growers. These growth regulators make normal sized leaves grow on short stems. As this regulator in the soil is used up, a China Doll Plant starts growing in all directions just like the outdoor plant it really is. Instead of a dense plant with lots of leaves, a China Doll Plant soon becomes open and feathery. A China Doll Plant, with its soft delicate leaves, makes a beautiful houseplant if placed in very bright light and frequently pinched back. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS: A China Doll Plant requires very bright light. CARE INSTRUCTIONS WATER: China Doll Plants want to be kept on the dry side. Allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out before watering a China Doll Plant. The foliage may even turn a pale green when a China Doll Plant needs water. Water around the entire soil surface so water reaches all of the roots of the China Doll Plant.   FERTILIZER: Feed a China Doll Plant monthly in the spring and summer when it is actively growing and every other month in the fall and winter with a balanced fertilizer at 1/2 the recommended strength. TEMPERATURE: A China Doll Plant does well in temperatures between 65-75 degrees. Keep China Doll Plants away from drafts and cold windowsills or the leaves fall off. HUMIDITY: China Doll Plants grow well in basic household humidity. FLOWERING: A China Doll Plant gets flowers when grown as an outdoor plant, but not when grown indoors. PESTS: Spider mites, Aphids, and Mealy Bugs are attracted to China Doll Plants. Because of the many leaves a China Doll plant has, it is difficult to get rid of houseplant pests. Check your China Doll Plant every week as a precaution.   DISEASES: China Doll Plants are prone to fungal infections that can cause the houseplant disease called Leaf Spot. Providing good air circulation around a China Doll Plant and keeping the leaves dry helps prevent Leaf Spot Disease. SOIL: Use a rich well-aerated soil that drains quickly for a China Doll Plant. Add sand or perlite to loosen the soil if necessary.
Ctenanthe Plant (Ctenanthe) Assorted Varieties
Ctenanthe Assorted Species   Lighting: Medium to bright indirect light.   Watering: Water every 10 to 14 days. Watering schedule may vary upon size of the pot.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for Ctenanthe.
Variegated Creeping Fig, Climbing Fig (Ficus ripens, Ficus pumila)
Variegated Ficus repens, Ficus pumila   Lighting: Medium to bright indirect light.             Watering: Water every 7 to 10 days. Watering schedule may very upon the size of the pot.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for Ficus repens.
Croton 'Petra' (Codiaeum variegatum)
Codiaeum variegatum Croton 'Petra'   Lighting: Bright indirect light.   Watering: Water every 10 to 14 days. Watering schedule may vary upon size of the pot.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for our Croton varieties.
Coleus Plant (Solenostemon)
A Coleus Plant is a fast- growing, hanging houseplant that comes in over 100 different leaf colors, textures, shapes, & designs. A Coleus Plant was very popular during the Victorian era but fell out of favor for a while because of the poor plant quality being sold. Today, a Coleus Plant is once again very popular both as an indoor house plant and as an outdoor plant. The colors on Coleus Plant leaves may be a mixture of lavender, cream, pink, maroon, yellow, red, bronze, and various shades of green. The color patterns on the Coleus Plant leaves can be marbled, striped, or dappled. If you have a very bright area in your home that calls for a hanging plant, then a Coleus Plant is perfect for you. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS: Very bright light is a must for a Coleus Plant. Coleus Plants can even gradually get used to a few hours of direct sunlight. Florescent grow lights help make the foliage leaf color of a Coleus Plant even more spectacular. CARE INSTRUCTIONS WATER: A Coleus Plant is a fast growing houseplant and dries out more quickly than many other indoor plants. Allow the top inch or two of soil in a Coleus Plant to dry out before watering. Frequent wilting due to under-watering causes the leaves of a Coleus Plant to develop crispy edges, dull colors, and brown spots. Over-watering a Coleus Plant results in root rot. FERTILIZER: The best fertilizer for a Coleus Plant is fish emulsion. If fish emulsion is not available, feed a Coleus Plant monthly with a basic balanced plant food at 1/2 the recommended strength. TEMPERATURE: A Coleus Plant likes warm temperatures between 70-85 degrees though it can survive in temperatures as low as 55 degrees. HUMIDITY: Coleus Plants plant like high humidity. FLOWERING: Pinch the small flowers off of a Coleus Plant as soon as they appear to encourage the beautiful leaves to grow. PESTS: Mealy Bugs, Aphids, and whitefly are plant pests attracted to a Coleus Plant. Check your Coleus Plant weekly so these pests don’t get a foothold on too many of the vibrant colored leaves. Washing a Coleus Plant frequently with warm water helps keep insects away. DISEASES: Because a Coleus Plant likes high humidity, powdery mildew can be a plant disease problem. SOIL: Use a quick draining well-aerated potting soil for a Coleus Plant. Add sand or perlite if the soil is too heavy.