
With fresh deliveries every week, our plants and flowers—from popular indoor plants to vibrant exotics to hardy succulents—liven up any space. Search by growing environment or size for more specific results. Click here to shop our current stock.

Anthurium (Red)
Anthurium (Red)   Lighting: Medium to bright indirect light.   Watering: Water every 5 to 7 days. Watering schedule may vary upon size of the pot.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix for our anthuriums.
Assorted Bromeliads
Bromeliad, assorted species and varieities   Lighting: Medium to bright indirect light.   Watering: Water every 10 to 14 days. Watering schedule may vary upon size of the pot.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula every other watering.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix mixed heavily with sphagnum or peat moss for Bromeliads.
A Chrysanthemum is really an outdoor plant that has become a popular floral gift and flowering plant for home and office. It is second only to the rose as the most popular cut flower in the world. Mums are members of the Asteraceae Family which includes over 20,000 flowering species. Chrysanthemums were brought to Japan by Buddhist Monks in 400 AD and have remained a very important part of Japanese culture to this day. Mums last 3-4 weeks indoors with very little care and in almost any environment before needing to be replaced. The blooms which come in various shapes and colors can be daisy-like, pom-poms, or buttons, and may be yellow, burgundy, pink, or white. NASA has listed the Chrysanthemum as a plant that cleans the air of benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide. You may also enjoy sipping Chrysanthemum tea to relax. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS: Mums stay in bloom longer when placed in medium light and away from heating vents, air conditioners, and direct sun. CARE INSTRUCTIONS WATER: Mums last longer as an indoor plant if you allow the top few inches of soil to dry out a little before you water. You can even let the green leaves become soft and droopy before watering. FERTILIZER: Indoor mums do not need to be fertilized because they only last about six weeks. TEMPERATURE: Cool temperatures help the blooms on a Mum last longer and high temperatures cause the blooms to quickly fade. 70 degrees during the day and not below 60 degrees at night are best for a Mum. HUMIDITY: Mums last longer and grow better in high humidity but will do fine in basic household humidity. FLOWERING: There are two different kinds of Chrysanthemum plants, florist Mums and winter hardy fall Mums. Florist Mums don’t do well when planted outside; you can try but don’t blame yourself if they die. If you’ve been enjoying a winter hardy Mum indoors, once the blooms die you can cut the plant back to 4”-5” above the soil line and plant it outside. It is almost impossible to get a Mum to bloom again indoors. PESTS: Watch out for Aphids and thrips. SOIL: Use a rich fast-draining slightly acidic soil.
Freesia is a genus of about 14 species. Freesia bulbs are usually grown for use as Cut Flowers. All the 14 species of Freesia are African in origin. Of The 14 Freesia species, 12 are native to Cape Province, South Africa, the remaining two to tropical Africa, with one these species extending north of the equator to Sudan. Freesia flowers are very fragrant, typically white or yellow, and are borne in spikelike racemes. This blooming beauty captures your heart and is a springtime favorite. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS: Indoors, position your Freesia where it will get the maximum sun available. CARE INSTRUCTIONS WATER: Water freesia about 1 inch every week during the growth and blooming periods. FERTILIZER: Fertilize freesia with 12-4-8 fertilizer and water more frequently when the plant begins growing again during the next season. TEMPERATURE: Freesias bloom best when night time temperatures remain below 50°. In cooler regions, Freesias should be planted in mid-spring, after all danger of frost has passed. HUMIDITY: Freesia prefer high humidity but will do fine in basic household humidity. FLOWERING: Do not remove the foliage until it has died back naturally, to allow the leaves to store energy for next years show. In areas where Freesias are hardy, the clumps can be left undisturbed for 3 years before dividing. In cold climates, the corms will need to be dug after the foliage turns brown, and stored in a cool, dry area until next spring. PESTS: Watch out for Aphids and thrips. SOIL: Use a rich fast-draining slightly acidic soil.
Kalanchoe Houseplants, native to Madagascar, are easy-care, flowering succulent plants that do extremely well indoors. Kalanchoes, a relative of the Jade Plant, are short, bushy, upright plants with thick, oval-shaped scalloped leaves. A Kalanchoe Plant’s long-lasting star-like blooms appear in clusters at the ends of sturdy stems. The vibrant colored flowers of Kalanchoe houseplants come in red, orange, yellow, lavender, white, and pink. Some new varieties of Kalanchoes even have bi-colored flowers. Kalanchoes are great houseplants to perk up your home during the long winter months. The shorter the days, the more flowers Kalanchoes produce. Best of all, the blooms on Kalanchoe Plants may last up to 8 weeks. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS: Kalanchoe Houseplants need bright indirect light and enjoy direct sun during the fall, winter, and spring. Direct sun in the summer is too intense and burns the Kalanchoe leaves. The blooms on Kalanchoe Plants are photo-periodically induced. As the days get shorter and Kalanchoe Houseplants experience longer periods of darkness, they produce more flowers. CARE INSTRUCTIONS WATER: Kalanchoe houseplants are Succulent Plants with plump leaves that store water for long periods of time. Kalanchoes are easily over-watered which causes root-rot. Allow the top 50% of the soil of Kalanchoe Houseplants to dry-out before watering. If the soil of a Kalanchoe Plant is exceptionally dry, sit the plant in a deep saucer filled with water for about ten minutes. This not only prevents over-watering but also prevents water from dripping on Kalanchoe plant leaves and causing plant diseases such as leaf spot or powdery mildew. FERTILIZER: Fertilize Kalanchoe houseplants monthly, when it is actively growing, with a plant food high in nitrogen diluted to 1/2 the recommended strength. If the soil of the Kalanchoe is very dry, moisten the soil with plain water before using water containing plant food. This prevents the fertilizer from burning the roots of the plant. TEMPERATURE: Kalanchoe houseplants like warm temperatures between 60-85 degrees. Low temperatures of 40 degrees or less will damage or kill a Kalanchoe plant within a few hours. Always keep Kalanchoes away from cold drafts and open windows during the winter. HUMIDITY: Kalanchoe Houseplants grow well in regular or low household humidity. When the humidity is too high, Kalanchoes develop plant diseases such as leaf spot or powdery mildew. FLOWERING: Remove faded blooms from Kalanchoes houseplants as soon as they appear to encourage more flowers. Starting in October, keep a Kalanchoe plant in total darkness for up to 14 hours a day and then place it in bright indirect light the rest of the time. This forces them to bloom exactly when you want. PESTS: Indoors, Kalanchoe plants are fairly pest resistant. When placed outdoors for the summer, Kalanchoe Plants attract mites, scale, and Aphids. Kalanchoe Plants are very sensitive to chemical insecticides. When treating Kalanchoe Plants for a plant pest infestation, use the green solution, yellow sticky cards, insecticidal soap, or Neem Oil. DISEASES: As mentioned earlier, Kalanchoe plants are prone to fungal leaf spot and powdery mildew. The best way to prevent these plant diseases is to keep Kalanchoe leaves dry and provide good air circulation. SOIL: Use a light soil composed of peat moss, sand, and perlite that drains well for Kalanchoe houseplants. When using a basic store bought potting soil, be sure to add an equal amount of sand.
Mini Roses
Miniature roses are perfectly scaled, smaller versions of larger roses, with all the colors, forms, substance, and often, fragrance of full-sized roses. Like other types of roses, each variety of miniature rose has different characteristics, with plant size ranging between 6 inches and 4 feet or more and plant shapes that include bushy, compact, climbing, and cascading. No matter what the shape or growth habit, a good miniature rose has flowers and leaves in perfect proportion. Smaller definitely doesn’t mean less attractive, and in most cases, smaller does mean easier to grow. Their smaller habit makes miniatures ideal for growing in containers. The flowers provide bright and constant spots of color throughout the growing season, and you can cut their flowers for mini-bouquets and arrangements. The selection of varieties is awesome, and hundreds of new ones are introduced each year. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS: A Miniature Rose Plant needs very bright light in order to grow. If you don’t have a place where the Rose Plant gets several hours of direct sunlight, try moving it outdoors into the sun for a while each day once the danger of a frost is over. When there is insufficient light, Miniature Roses don’t bloom, the stems start to stretch, and the plant becomes thin. CARE INSTRUCTIONS WATER: Miniature Roses require a great deal of water, especially when they are flowering. Since Miniature Rose plants are usually purchased in a small pot, be sure to check the soil every few days. Allow the top 1” (2.5cm) of soil in a Miniature Rose Plant to dry out before watering. During the winter, when a Miniature Rose is resting, keep the soil barely moist. Be careful not to get water on the leaves of a Miniature Rose Plant since this causes a fungus called black spot. FERTILIZER: Feed a Miniature Rose Plant every two weeks in the spring and summer when it is actively growing. Use a fertilizer that is high in phosphorous (5-10-5) at ½ the recommended strength. TEMPERATURE: Miniature Rose Plants do well in temperatures between 60-75 degrees (16-24 degrees C). Roses planted in containers are very susceptible to frost. HUMIDITY: Miniature Rose Plants need moderate to high humidity. If your home is dry, especially in the winter, place a Miniature Rose Plant on a tray of wet pebbles. Be sure the plant is sitting on the pebbles and not in the water. FLOWERING: Remove dead blooms from a Miniature Rose Plant as soon as they appear, this helps the plant bloom for a longer period of time. Always use a sharp pruner or scissors to cut the flowers off a Miniature Rose Plant, never just pull them off with your fingers. Tearing the stems of a Miniature Rose Plant, rather than cutting them at a 45-degree angle, damages the stem and encourages diseases. Once the plant finishes blooming and the weather warms up, move your Miniature Rose outdoors. Be sure to bring a Miniature Rose Plant back inside once the temperature goes below freezing. PESTS: spider mite and Mealy Bugs are two houseplant pests that can infest an indoor Miniature Rose Plant. Rinse a Miniature Rose Plant once a week with a mild soapy water solution to help prevent infestations and keep the plant dust-free. DISEASES: If kept too damp, Miniature Rose Plants, like their bigger cousins, develop a fungal plant disease called black spot. Immediately remove the infected leaves and treat your Miniature Rose Plant with a Fungicide recommended for black spot disease.
Phalaenopsis Orchid   Lighting: Bright indirect light.   Watering: Water every 14 to 21 days. Watering schedule may vary upon size of the pot.   Fertilization: Use Fox Farms Boomerang Comeback formula once per year at half the recommended strength.   Soil: We recommend Fox Farms Happy Frog general purpose potting mix in a 50/50 mix of orchid bark or sphagnum/peat moss for orchids generally.