

Basil herbs are among the most popular plants in the home herb garden. It is about as easy to grow as any plant can be. The plant is attractive, with many varieties to choose from.

LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS: USDA hardiness zones: 7 through 10

CARE INSTRUCTIONS WATER: Watering should be regular.

FERTILIZER: Add fertilizer when planting.

MEDICINAL BENEFITS/APPLICATIONS: Basil is known for its anti-oxidant properties. It helps to fight off heart disease and cancer.It's antibacterial properties helps promote stomach health.

SOIL: The soil should be rich, and drain well.

DISEASE: nsect and disease problems are uncommon with this plant.

  • Basil

    Variety: Dolce Vita Blend, Greek Yevani, Italian Large Leaf, Pesto Perpetuo, African Blue, Amethyst, Aristotle, Blue Spice, Boxwood, Cinnamon, Dark Opal, Fino Verde, Genovese Pesto, Genovese Red Freddy, Holy, Lime, Magic Mountain, Mrs. Burn's Lemon, Napoletano, Pistou, Purple Ruffles, Sacred, Spicy Bush, Sweet, Sweet Thai, Thai Siam Queen . Please call or visit to see if currently in stock.
    SKU: #PSA-PL-135